1969 Prime

1969 Prime (Stargate)

By Redbyrd
Reviewed by Kathryn A on 29th July 2007 (34)
Tags: Novelette

Prequel for "1969". In "2010", we saw an example of a possible timeline that was elimated by time-tampering. In "1969", we saw the way the timeline ended as a result of Hammond's note. What might the original timeline for "1969" have looked like?

This is a good rendition of a possible universe.

Prologue: 1969 Prime Minus One (Stargate)

By Redbyrd
Reviewed by Kathryn A on 29th July 2007 (35)
Tags: Short Story

Prequel to "1969 Prime". Hammond sent a note because he received a note... but there must have been an original timeline before he knew what was coming -- before he met time travelers from the future.

Good prequel to "1969 Prime", though it can be skipped, I think. Unless you like having a feeling of deja-vu...