
Title: The Storm
Author: Jean Johnson
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Series: Sons Of Destiny (6)
Copyright: 2008
Ranking: ?Unranked
LibraryThing: Title:Storm ISBN:978-0-425-23471-6 (Add Book)

Eight brothers, born in four sets of twins, two years apart to the day - they fulfill the Curseof Eight Prophecy. Though no longer trapped in exile, their growing family faces new problems. The sixthborn son must find a way to trust his destined bride.


Yes, this is the sixth book in the series, and I don't usually read books out of order. However, I wanted to read something by this author because I met her at Worldcon 2010, and I liked the reading she did from her upcoming Military SF novel. Yes, this is a completely different genre, being fantasy romance, but I still wanted to. However, the bookstore I wandered into only had two books by her, and I liked the sound of this one better, because it looks as if the hero in this one is dark and snarky, which is more my style.



