Neptune Crossing

Title: Neptune Crossing
Author: Jeffrey A Carver
Genre: SF
Series: Chaos Chronicles (1)
Ranking: Okay
LibraryThing: Title:Neptune Crossing
Type: EBook
Read: 2009-06-25

TWO UNLIKELY HEROES When survey pilot John Bandicut falls into a cavern on Triton, his life changes forever . . . and for an alien quarx, one hundred million years of solitude suddenly comes to an end.


This is from the Baen Free Library.

I liked this. The two main characters caught my interest (even if the secondary characters were a bit flat). The alien was quirky and a mix of amazing and imperfect. Bandicut had his flaws, definitely, but they weren't the kind of flaws that would make me despise him. And the situation itself; it's out of the frying pan and into the fire. It ends on a sort of cliffhanger, so I'm glad I have the next book.