LJ Name:jacklemmon
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Winning Story idea:

Fandom:Dresden Files (bookverse)

Bartender gets tired of hearing people's troubles so makes a deal with the Sidhe. Into the bar comes Harry Dresden, who's working on an unrelated case. And it turns out that cheapest on tap (which he feels guilty for even getting, as hello, Mac's brew is best) was a new recipe to render drinkers speechless. Literally.

Will be Harry/Karrin. No sexy times, though, probably just a kiss.

Started writing this last year, stalled out.


All Bunnies:


Zombie Apocalypse hits William McKinley High School. Puck, Kurt, Finn, Rachel, Mercedes, maybe more, maybe less, fight off zombies while trying to hold out in the cafeteria.

Puck saves Kurt at one point, his hand grabbing Kurt's and running, and Kurt feels those warm, but phantom fingertips, and develops feelings for Puck.

Puck is a stud, and so will repopulate Earth after all this, but hey, Kurt does smell nice, and was kinda hot when he used that fire extinguisher to beat a zombie's head in.

Plot bunny. Marked as adult just in case there are sexy tiems.


Empire Records AU. It's Bryan Ryan day!

Kurt & Rachel will be Cory's character'ish, as Kurt is going to be the one who throws himself at Rex Manning, I mean, Bryan Ryan. Also, Finn is so AJ. And it's a fantastic thing to imagine him gluing quarters to the floor, heh.

Puck is going to be Warren. Who comforts Kurt. Because this all started as Puck/Kurt bunny in my head. And Puck gets a job at Empire Records, I mean, New Directions, after trying to shoplift, then hold the place up.

Mr. Schuester = Joe. Quinn and Mercedes = Gina. Mark = Brittany. Other characters may work their way in, but those are the ones for now.

Basically the plot is developing Puck/Kurt and a more minor'ish Finn declaring his love for Rachel. And Bryan Ryan being a douche.

Plot bunny. Marked as adult just in case there are sexy tiems.


Super!Spy Puck. Heir Kurt. Plot bunny. Marked as adult just in case there are sexy tiems.

Kurt's current boyfriend, a magnate of some sort, is doing Very Bad Things, and Puck is to get on Kurt's good side and find evidence so Very Bad Boyfriend can be taken in.

Problem is, Puck's kinda falling for Kurt. And Kurt's falling back.

4.Fandom:Dresden Files (bookverse)

Bartender gets tired of hearing people's troubles so makes a deal with the Sidhe. Into the bar comes Harry Dresden, who's working on an unrelated case. And it turns out that cheapest on tap (which he feels guilty for even getting, as hello, Mac's brew is best) was a new recipe to render drinkers speechless. Literally.

Will be Harry/Karrin. No sexy times, though, probably just a kiss.

Started writing this last year, stalled out.

5.Fandom:Justice League

Batman/Flash. Stranded on a desolate desert planet. Waiting and UST occurs. Maybe a kiss, if Batman is feeling frisky and less broody.

A few hundred words of this already started ages ago.

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