Art: TARDIS Dream
This is the artwork "TARDIS Dream":
(This was done using Gimp 2.2.)
This is made up of six layers.
- This picture of the TARDIS, which is used as the base, but in the end, it's hidden.
- A pretty cloudscape (prettier than the original clouds in the background of the TARDIS image) which is in Normal mode; this is the real background.
- A lovely starscape, which I probably got from Astronomy Picture
of the Day. This is supposed to blend with the clouds because
we have dreamy clouds and dreamy space because the TARDIS goes
through space.
- Add layer mask.
- Gradient Fill the layer mask black to white from bottom to top.
- Layer mode Overlay.
- A copy of the TARDIS layer; this is supposed to be
semi-transparent because it is supposed to be dreamlike.
- Add layer mask.
- Paint out everything but the TARDIS.
- Layer mode Overlay.
- Opacity 50%.
- A copy of the TARDIS layer; this layer is used to make the
TARDIS have deeper colours and more stylized.
- Filters -> Color -> Retinex
- Add layer mask.
- Copy the layer mask from layer #4, and paste it into this layer mask.
- Layer mode Overlay.
- The swirly layer. This is to put the final touch on the
dreaminess. I'm glad I figured out how to make this effect.
- New transparent layer
- Select all
- Shrink selection by 100
- Feather selection by 100
- Filters -> Render -> Clouds -> Solid Noise
- Filters -> Distorts -> Whirl and Pinch with a big whirl and biggish pinch and radius of 1.2
- Because the radius was 1.2, then there were bits at the edge which had been pulled in transparent; fuzzy select these bits
- Grow selection by 1
- Script-Fu -> Enhance -> Smart remove selection (this uses the resynthesizer plugin) If you don't have this plugin, use the Clone tool to fill in the bits at the edge.
- To tweak this further; Add Layer Mask
- Gradient Fill black to white bottom to near top
- Layer mode Hard Light