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Single Strand Braid (Caterpillar Knot)How to braid with just one rope!! This design could act as fancy endings to wall hangings, it could be the main pattern in a bracelet...anything really!2025-01-21 07:24:09
Fifteen Strand Braid 04Fifteen-strand Kumihimo braid. Strands are in six groups; three groups of two, and three groups of three, alternating. This braid does not twist into a spiral, it remains a triangle.2022-08-26 20:43:06
Fifteen Strand Braid 01Fifteen-strand Kumihimo braid. Strands are in six groups; three groups of two, and three groups of three, alternating. Despite its appearance here, this is a spiral braid.2022-08-26 20:41:51
Fifteen Strand Braid 03Fifteen-strand Kumihimo braid. Strands are in six groups; three groups of two, and three groups of three, alternating.2022-08-26 20:39:16
Fifteen Strand Pentangle BraidFifteen-warp Kumihimo braid. Warps are in ten groups; five groups of two, and five groups of one, alternating. Pattern movements are (a) pick the anti-clocwise-most (left) warp of a group of two, and move it clockwise over to the far side (clocwise-most, right) of the next (clockwise) group of two. (b) repeat for the group-of-two you just moved to, until you get back to the first group. (c) repeat from (a), once. (d) take the next (clockwise) group of one warp, and move it anti-clockwise to the left (anti-clockwise-most) of the next single-warp group. (e) Repeat for the other single-warp groups until you get back to the first one.2022-08-26 20:38:20
Fifteen Strand Braid 02Fifteen-strand Kumihimo braid. Strands are in six groups; three groups of two, and three groups of three, alternating.2022-08-26 20:37:53
Twelve Strand Triangle Braid 01Twelve-strand Kumihimo braid with a triangular cross-section. Can be done with other numbers of strands, so long as one can divide them into three roughly equal groups.2022-08-26 18:51:36
Twelve Strand Textured BraidTwelve-strand Kumihimo braid which gives a textured spiral, where one set of warps creates a bump of texture. The warps are grouped in six groups of two warps; those six groups make two sets of warps, alternating with each other. The pattern goes (a) pick up the most-anti-clockwise of the current group of blue warps, go clockwise over the next group of green warps, and the next group of blue warps; (b) repeat from (a) twice more; (c) pick up the most clockwise of the next group of green warps, go clockwise over the next group of blue warps; (d) repeat from (c) twice more. And then start again from (a).2022-08-26 18:51:35
Ten Strand Triangle Braid - ABoK 3045 - Five ColoursTen-strand Kumihimo braid with a triangle cross-section. This is a set up for five colours.\nThis triangle sinnet of 10 strands comes from the Solid Sinnets chapter in the Ashley Book of Knots, (abbreviated ABoK); this 10-strand sinnet is referred to as ABoK 3045 on certain knot tying websites. In ABoK, the sinnet is referred to as 3045.2022-08-26 18:51:33
Ten Strand Triangle Braid - ABoK 3045 - Two ColoursTen-strand Kumihimo braid with a triangle cross-section. This is a set up for two colours.\nThis triangle sinnet of 10 strands comes from the Solid Sinnets chapter in the Ashley Book of Knots, (abbreviated ABoK); this 10-strand sinnet is referred to as ABoK 3045 on certain knot tying websites. In ABoK, the sinnet is referred to as 3045.2022-08-26 18:51:31
Ten Strand Triangle Braid - ABoK 3045This triangle sinnet of 10 strands comes from the Solid Sinnets chapter in the Ashley Book of Knots, (abbreviated ABoK); this 10-strand sinnet is referred to as ABoK 3045 on certain knot tying websites. In ABoK, the sinnet is referred to as 3045.2022-08-26 18:51:30
Six Strand Braid 01Six-warp Kumihimo braid. The movement pattern is (a) over two clockwise, pick up next (clockwise) warp, over two clockwise, (b) pick up the previous (anti-clockwise) warp, over two clockwise, pick up next (clockwise) warp, over two clockwise. In other words, one does swap warps like one does with an 8-warp braid, but rather than going to the next clockwise pair, one goes to the previous anti-clockwise pair instead.2022-08-26 18:51:28
Seven Strand Braid 04Seven-warp round Kumihimo braid. The movement pattern is: (a) over three clockwise, (b) pick the next clockwise warp, over two clockwise, (c) pick the previous (anti-clockwise warp, over three clockwise, (d) pick the next clockwise warp, over two clockwise. Repeat from (c).2022-08-26 18:51:27
Seven Strand Braid 03This is a seven-strand Kumihimo braid pretending to be a six-strand braid. The warps are in six groups, but one group has two warps in it rather than one. This results in one side of the braid having stitches which are twice as long as the others.2022-08-26 18:51:25
Seven Strand Braid 02Seven-strand Kumihimo braid; this is a 7-warp braid pretending to be an 8-warp hard-round braid. There are four groups of warps, but one group only has one warp in it rather than two. This results in one side of the braid having shorter stitches than the others.2022-08-26 18:51:24
Seven Strand Braid 01Seven-warp braid. Not all the steps are shown, but the pattern is really only two steps: over two clockwise, skip one + over two clockwise. (Skip one means pick up the warp two over in a clockwise direction, rather than one over). This braid is actually easier to do on a kumihimo disk than on a marudai.2022-08-26 18:51:22
Three By Three Braid - Three ColoursA colour set-up of of Fay Halberstam's _Three By Three_ Kumihimo braid for three colours.2022-08-26 18:51:21
Three By Three BraidA reworking of Fay Halberstam's _Three By Three_ braid so that it only has six steps rather than twenty-one. The general pattern is for a counter-twist braid; that is, the odd-numbered steps are to move the warps clockwise, and the even-numbered steps are to move the warps anti-clockwise. This is six steps rather than two because of the odd number of warps.2022-08-26 18:51:19
Nine Strand Triangle BraidNine-strand Kumihimo braid with a triangular cross-section. Can be done with other numbers of strands, so long as one can divide them into three roughly equal groups.2022-08-26 18:51:17