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Resin Tutorial 3D-looking Galaxy PendantCreate a galaxy effect pendant tutorial. This one makes the galaxy background with white acrylic paint and (sparkly) black/blue/purple/clear nailpolish painted into a bezel. The 3D effect is done by layering glitter and stars and microbeads on top, and doming it all with (UV?) resin and adding a few more glitter-stars into that.2016-12-25 09:57:00
Resin Tutorial: Glitter GalaxiesTutorial for glittery galactic clouds in your resin piece. Holographic glitter + dark shades of glitter + black glitter. This could probably be done with mica powder too.2016-12-23 22:36:00
Wire and resin jewelry tutorialMake the wire into a frame, hammer it flat, stick to masking tape, use doming resin, sprinkle with beads or glitter to decorate before curing. Cool.2016-11-18 21:59:00
Shimmer Star Resin Necklace tutorialResin pendant tutorial. The nifty idea in this tutorial is, after one has cast the main piece, to decorate the front of it by mixing up two-part epoxy GLUE, adding in a lot of glitter, and smooth it onto your piece with a toothpick. Because epoxy glue is thicker and sets quickly, it won't pour off the front like thin casting-resin will.,2016-11-17 18:31:00
Rainbow Resin Glitter EarringsInstructable for making resin + wire + glitter earrings that do look rather fab. Includes some useful tips like using less-sticky tape, and using white glue to fill gaps between the tape and the wire frame.2016-11-09 00:29:00