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1377 records found. Page 47 of 69.
Spider Stitch - CrochetSpider-Stitch tutorial with some nice photos of the result. The basic pattern is sc-ch1-sc-skip.2016-04-21 01:06:00
Pretty Pebbles Stitch - CrochetPretty Pebbles 8x8 inch square Crochet. Nice clear example of how to do the _cluster_ or _puff_ stitch (in amidst a stitch-pattern which alternates the cluster stitches with single crochets).2016-04-21 00:50:00
Forked Half Double Crochet StitchPhoto-tutorial for the Forked Half Double Crochet Stitch, which is like doing two interlinked HDCs in a row over two stitches. Hard to describe, look at the pictures.2016-04-21 00:11:00
Keychain Crochet Hook - A tutorialHow to alter a crochet hook so that you can attach it to your keyring. This one, rather than attempting to drill a hole in the hook, uses a less-than-3mm hook, cuts it at the broad flat part, and then curls the broad flat part into a loop. That's why it needs such a small hook; a thicker one would be too difficult to bend.2016-04-20 10:18:00
Crochet Scale Maille StitchI like this version of crochet scale-maille; it looks as if the scales are going to sit well and not wobble. This is for large scales; I suspect to get this to work with small scales would require thinner yarn and a smaller hook; to scale down with the scaled-down scales.2016-04-15 20:07:00
Wire Wrapping Cord EndsPhoto-tutorial for wire wrapping cord ends and hook-and-eye closures.2016-04-15 07:47:00
A Better Granny RectangleThis Granny Rectangle begins with a strip of "granny stitch" to make the centre of the rectangle, rather than doing something awkward with crocheting in the back loops of a starting chain, as I've seen elsewhere.2016-04-13 21:01:00
Washer and Thread NecklaceEmbroidery thread wrapped around different sized washers, made into a necklace. This looks lovely because the artist chose embroidery threads in a colour gradient, dark to light.2016-04-12 17:06:00
How to Oxidize Sterling Silver and Copper with Boiled EggsIt's the sulphur in the egg yolks which is the secret. It will take more time, but it's a lot less toxic than using Liver Of Sulphur, which is the standard oxidizer.2016-04-12 16:47:00
Make Pretty Thread-Decorated Wire EarringsString-art earrings; this one uses beads rather than coiled wire to separate the strings - seems so obvious once I see it!2016-04-10 23:32:00
Magnetic BookmarksI'd seen magnetic bookmarks before, but they were made of cardboard, and didn't last long, because the point at which the cardboard was bent wore out pretty quickly. The idea of a sewn cloth bookmark hadn't occurred to me. Now, I'm not into sewing, but the same idea could be used with crochet or knitting or macrame or felt, all of which would be more durable than cardboard.2016-04-09 12:04:00
Plus size DIY Kimono, sewing without a patternSimple jacket/cardigan non-pattern, consisting of rectangles. Just the kind of thing I'm looking for.2016-04-08 08:30:00
Crocheting In Rounds: Free DownloadUseful instructions about crocheting in the round with single-crochet; circles and squares.2016-04-07 14:39:00
Ribbonberry Stitch - CrochetRibbonberry Crochet Tutorial ~ A Versatile Stitch Pattern. Basically slip-stitch plus bobbles, which does make an interesting texture and a thick cloth.2016-04-07 14:29:00
Dragon cross-stitch ChartMulti-coloured fire-coloured dragon graph-pattern; wings spread, not small.2016-04-07 12:12:00
Grille gratuite point de croix : Dauphin tribal bleu GM - Le blog de IsabelleSwirly dolphin design, graph-pattern suitable for melty-beads, cross-stitch, colourwork, inlays etc.2016-04-07 12:01:00
Wood Plus Stain Equals Art TutorialThis uses paint-stirring sticks (as opposed to pallets) to make a lovely wood-stained back board upon to use as a surface for _rustic_ art. It occurred to me that I could make something smaller with craft-sticks, and use as a background for jewellery photography.2016-04-02 14:43:00
DragonscarfDragons rampant; graph suitable for two-colour crochet, knitting, maille, or anything else which can use a square-graphed pattern.2016-04-01 17:53:00
Hama Bead Bracelet DIYMake a bangle from melty-beads by fusing them as a band, and then wrapping the still-warm-and-flexible band around a glass and fusing it into a cylinder. One needs to find a glass of a suitable diameter, of course. One could probably make this easier by using the masking-tape technique and fusing around the glass to start with, without an intermediate step.2016-04-01 08:40:00